2019年5月22日 星期三



Chinese Introduction:

 「Quizlet」有分成網頁版、Android與iOS App版,都可以免費註冊及下載,基本功能皆可免費使用,需要進階服務時才需要付費。而「Quizlet」的一大特色就是用戶在其中建立的「學習集」,也就是各種字卡練習題目,預設皆可共享,所以我們在一開始使用Quizlet時,就能找到大量的學習集,目前數量高達一億五千多萬個以上。


 1. 無以數計的用戶分享學習集。 

 2. 完整中文版介面

 3. 搜尋各種科目學習集。 

 4. 開啟遊戲測驗練習題。 

 5. 將學習集加入自己的資料夾。

English Reflection:

 Quizlet offers a lot of learning sets to me that I can study many different words on it. Through using this app, I can learn others' learning sets, such as Korean, Japanese and so on. In addition, I also can create my class which can add my friends to my learning set. Then, they can learn lots of foreign language. The last, this app has a game test that I can examine whether I study in my mind or not. I think I can make a good use of it when I want to learn vocabulary.

The example of Quizlet:



Chinese Introduction:



 1. 網站上有分為多種類型的Youtuber,可以自行選擇種類觀看。 

 2. 操作功能簡單,介面分類清楚

 3. 影片不必下載可直接網站上觀看。 

 4. 分享影片至任何地方,而不單單局限於部落格、社群媒體及網站。 

 5. 透過電子報、新聞稿,其他行銷方式發送影片。

English Reflection:

 Nowadays, more and more people choose to visit youtube to watch videos. It has played an important role in our life. There are lots of advantages about Youtube. For example, I can watch videos on the internet without a heavy TV. I can also upload my video to share with my family and my friends. It even can be applied in teaching in the future. It is too convenient to me when I want to relax my mind or learn some knowledge.

The example of Youtube:



Chinese Introduction:

  Google的「Toontastic 3D」訴求是讓小朋友也能輕鬆地把自己的想像,製作成有趣且精彩的3D卡通動畫,整個製作過程非常直覺,甚至就像小孩平常用玩具玩扮家家酒或角色扮演,所以小朋友也能上手,體驗一夏當導演的樂趣。在你的手機、平板下載Google Toontastic 3D,完全免費就能製作出一幕一幕的動畫故事,而且還提供匯出影片等功能。


 1. Toontastic 3D 是Google前不就推出的一款用3D動畫講故事的應用。 

 2. 它內置有三個故事模板、數十個3D卡通形像,還支持手繪和作品導出。

 3. Toontastic 3D 同時支持Android和iOS設備,免費而且沒有廣告和內購。 

 4. Toontastic 3D 適合父母或家庭教師陪同小朋友一起設計故事橋段,一起錄製。 

 5. Toontastic 3D 提供了教室、營地、海底等8個場景,還有數十個3D卡通形象。

English Reflection:

 Toontastic offers students to be a director. You can create your own story through this app. Toontastic has eight scenes that you can choose to be your background. Moreover, it even offers a little whiteboard which can draw a character by yourself. Through this app, I will have my unique story to tell to my parents and my friends.

The example of Toontastic:

2019年5月8日 星期三



Chinese Introduction:

 多鄰國(Duolingo) 是一個線上的免費語言學習平台。提供的服務包括一個語言學習網站本體,以及一個線上英語能力測驗平台、一個語言學習輔助程式(Tiny Cards)。多鄰國所提供的所有語言課程均為免費。


 1. 遊戲化的學習課程設計,激發使用者興趣與成就動力。 

 2. 學習軟體完全免費

 3. 遊戲開始前可以選擇自己的身分為初學者或是已學過此語言的學習者。 

 4. 遊戲有「愛心設計」,假如在遊戲中答錯的題目太多就會把愛心消耗完,無法獲得經驗值。 

 5. 這個應用程式是全方位的,注重於聽說讀寫,為了完整發展這四種語言基本能力。

English Reflection:

 Duolingo has a lot of languages to learn and you can choose any language what you want to learn. By using Duolingo, I have learnt a lot of foreign languages, such as Korean and Spanish. It just needs to take a few time to learn everyday. Then, you will upgrade the level when you finish the test. It not only offers a good platform to learn different languages but also let us keep a good habit learning everyday.

The example of Duolingo:


Quizlet Chinese Introduction:  「 Quizlet」有分成網頁版、Android與iOS App版,都可以免費註冊及下載,基本功能皆可免費使用,需要進階服務時才需要付費。而「Quizlet」的一大特色就是用戶在其中建立...