Chinese Introduction:
「Quizlet」有分成網頁版、Android與iOS App版,都可以免費註冊及下載,基本功能皆可免費使用,需要進階服務時才需要付費。而「Quizlet」的一大特色就是用戶在其中建立的「學習集」,也就是各種字卡練習題目,預設皆可共享,所以我們在一開始使用Quizlet時,就能找到大量的學習集,目前數量高達一億五千多萬個以上。
1. 無以數計的用戶分享學習集。
2. 完整中文版介面。
3. 搜尋各種科目學習集。
4. 開啟遊戲測驗練習題。
5. 將學習集加入自己的資料夾。
English Reflection:
Quizlet offers a lot of learning sets to me that I can study many different words on it. Through using this app, I can learn others' learning sets, such as Korean, Japanese and so on. In addition, I also can create my class which can add my friends to my learning set. Then, they can learn lots of foreign language. The last, this app has a game test that I can examine whether I study in my mind or not. I think I can make a good use of it when I want to learn vocabulary.