2019年3月20日 星期三



Chinese Introduction:



1. 學生操作簡單。 

2. 學生互動性高,氣氛熱絡。

3. 硬體需求低,如網路、載具。

4. 後台資訊清楚,可供快速辨識學生作答狀況。 

5. 掃描快速,學生能夠從螢幕上的顯示知道自己作答是否已被掃描完成。

English Reflection:

Nowadays, there are lots of  Internet platforms online. Plickers is the one of Internet platforms be used during the class. I did not understand how to use it when I first use it; however, I listened to the teacher's explanation and tried to create my questions on Plickers. Finally, I let my classmates answer question successfully. For me, this is so interesting that I want to use it more than one time. It is too convenient to students and let the class have nice atmosphere.

Example of Plickers:

2019年3月13日 星期三



Chinese Introduction:

  Kahoot! 是一個網路平台,只要老師事先註冊帳號並且設計題目,在課堂上就可以開一個線上即時教室 ,讓所有學生登入網路教室,一起回答問題 (學生免帳號 )。


 1. 上課模式與以往不同,上課氣氛較活潑,學生投入程度更高。 

 2. 題型可以自由設計,目前應用最廣的選擇是加入圖片或 youtube影片,以增加題型的豐富度。

 3. 選項最少兩個、最多四個,可以彈性應用。 

 4. 可以設計答題時間的長短、 題目或選項的亂數編排,以避免學生猜題 。 

 5. 每題作答結束會立即顯示分數最高的前五名, 結束時學生也可以看到自己的名次。老師還可以下載作答情形,用 excel 或 google 雲端硬碟打開。

 6. 電腦會統計玩家作答情況,也包含個人形供老師參考。

 Kahoot! 是一款具趣味性的平台,不管是學生還是老師都能夠輕易上手,老師們能夠透過遊戲的模式讓回答問題變得有趣,也因為Kahoot有亂數編排的特色,能夠使學生不斷的重複答題已達到複習的效果,最後藉由excel報表知道各個學生的程度,使整個過程寓教於樂。

English Reflection:

 The first time when I use Kahoot, I think it was interesting.  The reason is because it is totally different from other platforms; in addition, it is a new way to attract students' attention during the class.  The teacher can evaluate students' problems and learning result through this platform. From it, I can learn how to create my questions to let other students understand me more. I also can test myself how much  knowledge I realize which teachers gave us. According to these reasons, I like this teaching way and I think Kahoot can be an innovative method to be applied in the future.

The example of Kahoot!


Quizlet Chinese Introduction:  「 Quizlet」有分成網頁版、Android與iOS App版,都可以免費註冊及下載,基本功能皆可免費使用,需要進階服務時才需要付費。而「Quizlet」的一大特色就是用戶在其中建立...