Chinese Introduction:
1. 學生操作簡單。
2. 學生互動性高,氣氛熱絡。
3. 硬體需求低,如網路、載具。
4. 後台資訊清楚,可供快速辨識學生作答狀況。
5. 掃描快速,學生能夠從螢幕上的顯示知道自己作答是否已被掃描完成。
English Reflection:
Nowadays, there are lots of Internet platforms online. Plickers is the one of Internet platforms be used during the class. I did not understand how to use it when I first use it; however, I listened to the teacher's explanation and tried to create my questions on Plickers. Finally, I let my classmates answer question successfully. For me, this is so interesting that I want to use it more than one time. It is too convenient to students and let the class have nice atmosphere.